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 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:08 pm 
By my Brtish time it's thursday , and yes , you may have guessed , today i am off to university. and golly gee ma , [i:207b2a5cef] am[/i:207b2a5cef] i excited :)

i'm off to join big bad world , but before i can do that i have to cart all my stuff with me.

AND SO , my point of discussion in psychology class today is entitled :
[b:207b2a5cef] "The good , the bad and the ugly; things one can't live without"[/b:207b2a5cef]

so basically three essential items one can't live without , be they good , bad or just plain ugly swine....and nasty things that go bump in the night , like glenn close , shes a scary mary.

for me , it's my guitar (the good) , italian food (bad for me because i like to eat much of it) and well , i hate to say it but it's my skanky old cuddly toy hippo (real ugly). the poor thing is dropping to pieces. but hey! it's an endearing quality surely to love a crappy old stuffed toy ....

have a tremendous thursday kittens!

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:13 pm 
Ahh, and a lovely Thursday it is too! :) Here in Sydney the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and Spring has most definitely Sprung!

Three things... hmmm... My wok (cos my wonderful best friends gave it to me and I cook in it all the time), my DVD player and my comic book collection. :)

(And I'd sneak the beanie bear my gf gave me into my back pocket... :) )


 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:17 pm 
God, I hope you don't mind, I just edited the title of the thread so that people know it's a daily thread.

Don't hurt me; I bruise easily. :)

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:20 pm 
I imagine that this will be magically transported to the daily thread sometime soon, but meanwhile, I'll play. :grin

I'll pick inanimate things, as without my Jer and my cats, I'd undoubtably through myself, back first, in front of a second-storey window.

I can't live without my piano, my astrology books, or my computer. Actually, I might have to expand that second one there to [i:4468d98e2b] all[/i:4468d98e2b] of my books. Heh. :blush

Crap, I left out my CDs and my sex toys. I need more than three things to survive. I don't like this game anymore. :P

Edited to say, "Oh, look! It [i:4468d98e2b] is[/i:4468d98e2b] a daily thread." *paddles Ruf with pilfered moderatey stick*

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:22 pm 
well , seems as i don't have a bat handy i'll let you off ;) i could ever hurt anyone , [i:c2cb614250] hello[/i:c2cb614250] i can't live without a small stuffed hippo called henrietta - shes a ballerina , she wears a tutu.

sorry , i did try and put 'thursday' at the end of the title but it didn't fit. at least someone knows what they're doing eh ? ;)

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:25 pm 
Well, even thought it's not Thursday for me, I'm gonna answer anyway. :)

I definitely can't live without music. Who could? I would have a very hard time living without my computer, too. Number three....Hmmm, sun glasses. I couldn't live without sun glasses. I basically wear them every day, sometimes indoors. That's me, I'm weird. :cool

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:26 pm 
Well you only get a certain length of title for the thread, I think.

And hey! Watch who you're accusing of knowing what they're doing! I think it's clear that I truly don't. ;)

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:36 pm 
[i:6676b9f4ae]pssst, ruth...don't you need an MKF in the thread title?[/i:6676b9f4ae]

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:39 pm 
Done ;)

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:44 pm 
Mmmm Brian...I fall at your moderatey feet in supplication. Teach me Brian...[i:fa2de5b2ca] *flutters eyelashes, loses balance, falls on ass*[/i:fa2de5b2ca], teach me?

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:53 pm 
I'll teach you Ruth, I'll teach you all I know :evil

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 2:42 pm 
the good: tuesdays with a blonde, the bad: my TV (which i insist is a FABulous thing, however, all my galpals past and present insist its a bad thing....but theyre fiend anyway....silly girls who grew up without cable, and in some cases, no tv at all...horrors!) the ugly:my favourite shirt! which is goodugly. bright orange with navy blue cm thick horizontal stripes, but like 4 inches of oragne between all the stripes. it's a yummy shirt. and its ubercomfy. alas, everyone thinks its reallllly ugly.
i like it!
peace out.

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 4:16 pm 
Favorite shirt? Hee. Which reminds me, I didn't pick any articles of clothing as necessities. So I'm naked and with sex toys, ontop of a piano. Right.

Typical evening for me. I wish. Heh.

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 4:55 pm 
So I'm naked and with sex toys, ontop of a piano.
[/quote:4acf0c18e4]Sounds like the start of one of your fics.:lol

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 4:58 pm 
Hmm, inanimate objects that I can't live without, 'ey?

Well definitely my CD collection. Especially Jeff Buckley, the Beatles, Sarah Mclachlan, Fiona Apple, and a whole bunch of classical CDs. Go Amadeus!

Pen and paper at all times...I can't cope without it! I write stupid, quirky things that I notice, and end up using them for stories later on. The best is writing about weird people on the train, giggling (as you spot a tube of rectal cream sticking out of their bag) and receiving bemused/suspicious looks.

My computer...source of all inspiration! Heh, it's actually kinda worrying how much I rely on it. *sigh*

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 5:07 pm 
Good, heh, my agenda. If I use it I do stuff. If I lose it I am lost, so it's all of the good.

Bad would be my TV. Yeah, there are some nice things on TV on occasions, but most of the time it's rubbish. But the thing is on all of the time, since I live alone, and if it's off I feel lonely. That's weird .. and certainly bad.

Ugly? Hm..., maybe my discman, it's old and doesn't look it's best anymore; besides it's big.. cos it's old, heh. But it still works and I love the sound, so why buy a new one.. *shrugs* And music is just necessary. How else could you stand subway rides.

Yippie, thursday, have a nice day Kittens :)

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 5:07 pm 
I'm happy if I have my guitar and my laptop. They provide me with all I need - music and fanfic. Now if I could only find out where the hell all my damn capos went. Ooh! and my cargo pants...can't forget them. If I must wear pants, then, damnit, let it be the cargo pants.

edited to say: Ok, this is completely off-topic, but I find this rather odd. I got an e-mail from lycos announcing that a green card lottery was underway. You know, to allow people to permanently live and work in the U.S. ok. Whatever happened to powerball? :confused

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 5:26 pm 
Okay, so lately my night time routine has become me and a special "friend" :blush going to bed early so she can read to me....
Yes! We actually READ!! Gosh! :whistle
So, I need and want and desire everyday: my bed, a good book, and my special someone to read to me....Not necessarily inanimate, but notice I did not require clothing....;)

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 9:59 pm 
Essential to Molly being happy: Music, Books and Penguins. Oh, and my computers, and oh hennessy cognac. Yikes, can't forget coffee, and . . . sorry I can't pick just 3. [img:76722ca0db][/img:76722ca0db]

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 10:20 pm 
I'm going to cheat, and assume that all of my basic needs, personal and professional, have been already been met. So, other essentials would be:

The good: soy lattes. If I buy one on my way home from work, I'll wait until I get home to drink it. That gives me the opportunity to throw in a splash or two of Jack Daniels; it's much tastier that way. And a good way to unwind.

The bad: Delta Airlines Sky Miles. They're bad because I earn most of them on trips back to my gf's home state, The Republic of (Hanging) Chad.

The ugly: credit cards. I don't like to carry a lot of cash, so I just charge everything. And I don't keep track of my spending, so when I get the bills at the end of the month, it's pretty ugly.

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 2:07 am 
I just have the good and the ugly... assuming of course that all basic needs are met? I NEED my computer (with its lovely new ADSL connection... oh sweet mother of god!). The Ugly is my fave T-shirt, that isn't even really a shirt it's more of a t-like mop. It's falling apart in a dozen places, has a horrible print on the front, made of crap facric anyway and it's torn collar is really more of a completely undecent cleavege... but I NEED it!

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 5:13 am 
[i:63a757c42f]The Good[/i:63a757c42f], my books and computer and food and of course my wonderful Colleen.

[i:63a757c42f]The Bad[/i:63a757c42f] has got to be caffeine. As well as the kinds of food I love--way too starchy and fatty.

[i:63a757c42f]The Ugly[/i:63a757c42f]...I don't know. Sorry. Well, there're some things...but those are sooooooo private.

(Parenthetically, I'm celebrating because last night was my first good night's sleep in days. Yay!)

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 5:39 am 
Sounds like the start of one of your fics.

Actually, I've never started one with them naked already. Hee. I think my favorite part of smutfics is usually the disrobing. Or being too caught up in the moment to bother completely disrobing.

But now that you bring it up, I just might have to write an afterglow fic... hee. ;)

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 7:56 am 
mmm, things I can't live without,

The good, my photo's, it's always good to look at pictures of my drunken antic's and remind myself, that once upon a time before I got a job/career, I had a life

The bad, coffee, I drink far too much of the stuff.

Ugly, my patchwork throwover, my gran made it years ago not long before she died, it doesn't go with anything in my house & it is really tatty, but I couldn't ever get rid of it.

Well [b:8332bbacf8] sweetjane[/b:8332bbacf8], I hope you have a blast at uni.:party

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 10:01 am 
The Good...I can't live without Different Colored Pens. I'm sorry it's..just an addiction. I mean, Lisa, Sass, Rainbow Writers, Julia, Ruth and all the others. Who can live without them!

The bad... Working in coffee shops. I make Soy Lattes, all the other good things people are addicted to. And I love doing it even though I don't drink coffee.

The Ugly....The fact that I still watch that show, even if it is out of morbid curiosity. It's ugly, a horrible addiction that only heals after reading a Pens update. Isn't it just a vicious cyle??

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 10:49 am 
Hmm, well, I'd have to say the [i:0ac6315c05] good[/i:0ac6315c05] are my two cats (cola and sooty), my friends, my posters/cds/videos/pc, the kitten board :) and my family. The [i:0ac6315c05] bad[/i:0ac6315c05], darn British weather :wink , not enough money, and blind discrimination. And the [i:0ac6315c05] ugly[/i:0ac6315c05] is my beat up old Fiat Tipo consists of different shades of red paint work, always breaks down but I do love it though! :wink

Well, not much left of my Thursday, so off to bed I trot soon!!:yawn (yay, got to use the 'yawn' emoticon!! It's just soooooo cute! :grin )

Pillows xxx :willow & :tara :love ...nuff said

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 10:56 am 
It's a tough one this, cos there are just so many things.


I guess, good...friends and family, if I was forced to narrow it down.

Ugly...Aston Villa. They make my eyes hurt. Even on a good day.

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 11:13 am 
the good: playstation 2 (can't stop playing Grand Theft Auto III), my CD's, and my computer

the bad: beer- drink too much of it

the ugly: the fact that i can't avoid watching Buffy, really need to find something other to do on Tuesdays

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 2:08 pm 
this is a hard one..
the good would have to be my gf and cat
the bad would def. be my cell phone, i'm addicted to it... i even chat with it now.
the ugly would have to be one of two things, these black flip flops i have had for 4 years, i wear them everywhere and with everything.. i wear them in the middle of winter sometimes, just cuz they are there.. or this pillow that is from my best friend. she gave it to me (or i stole it from her.. depends on your p.o.v.) it is dirty but it smells like her and reminds me of watching movies at her house.

 Post subject: Sophomore Level Psychology Thursday MKF 9/26/02
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 10:31 pm 
Hi [b:d2c3cc7d54]Grimaldi[/b:d2c3cc7d54]. So you're another GTA3 addict huh? Have you seen the info on the new one? Motorbikes! Chainsaws! Can't wait! [img:d2c3cc7d54][/img:d2c3cc7d54]

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